Realizing the Institute’s Goals :
During the first year of its operations, the Institute will focus on creating and offering new, inter-disciplinary courses which apply the subject of Philosophy to the following specific disciplines: Business, Entrepreneurship, and Media. The courses that will be developed by Dr. Rabinsky for this purpose will allow professionals in these areas to receive a Certificate in one or more of the following areas: (1) Philosophy of Business; (2) Philosophy of Entrepreneurship, and (3) Philosophy of Media. These specialized tracks are designed to provide comprehensive training in Ethics and Applied Philosophy in the student's chosen area, and may be offered in collaboration with local academic institutions' School of Business, the School of Communications, or the Law School.
These “minor-tracks” may be sponsored through donations from interested individuals, corporations, or foundations, who would provide the initial “seed money” in funding for the Institute. So, for example, if “Corporation XYZ” donates an initial sum of $50,000. To the Institute, they could be credited by having a minor track in Philosophy of Business named after their company, as “The Corporation XYZ Minor in Philosophy of Business”.
The following are the possible minor-tracks that can be created and offered by Dr. Rabinsky as the Institute’s first phase of research and development:
Track 1 : The Philosophy of Business :
( completion of the following 5 courses satisfies the requirements for this certificate program )
§ Philosophy of Business
§ Business Ethics
§ Business, Capitalism, The Global Economy & Political Philosophy
§ Business & Advertising Ethics
§ The Philosophy of Business Management & Leadership
§ Negotiation, Mediation, and Philosophical Practice
Track 2 : The Philosophy of Entrepreneurship :
( completion of the following 5 courses satisfies the requirements for this certificate program )
§ Philosophy of Entrepreneurship
§ The Ethics of Entrepreneurship
§ Philosophy of Creativity & Innovation applied to Entrepreneurship
§ The Virtue of Competition and the Values of Entrepreneurship
§ The Philosophies of the Great Entrepreneurs throughout History
Track 3 : The Philosophy of Media :
( completion of the following 5 courses satisfies the requirements for this certificate program )
§ The Philosophy of Media
§ The Philosophy of Journalism
§ Advertising Ethics
§ Media & Big Business : The Political Philosophy & Economy of the Mass Media
§ Objectivity versus Bias and Propaganda in the News Media
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Other ways of Achieving the Institute’s Goals : To realize our goals, we will also offer the public the following services and products:
§ Conferences, seminars, workshops, and contests for Public and Private School students (at the High School and Junior High School levels).
§ Community outreach through programs at libraries, other non-profit organizations, and centers for entrepreneurship.
§ Special workshop seminars and courses for Corporations and Organizations seeking to promote Leadership Values, Workplace Ethics, and the cultivation of Management – Employee relations.
§ Custom-tailored programs for Corporate Executives seeking to develop and articulate their own, unique Corporate Philosophy, and their Company’s Code of Ethics.
§ Courses in the Philosophy of Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship.
§ Internet “cyber-seminars” & on-line courses; a radio program & cable TV interview series; newspaper columns; and the use of new emerging media technologies to promote the Institute’s research & outreach goals.
§ An internet E-magazine on Business Ethics, Entrepreneurship, & the Media
§ A Philosophy of Business series of books, for adults, young adults, and children (see the “Philosophy for Children” program)